Tani's had a busy summer. He spent the week of July 9 in Ithaca, NY. He got to see his cousin Max, Uncle Mitch, and Aunt Val and her family at Lake Skaneateles and spent several days with his Grandma Diane and Grandpa Arthur. He got to swim in the lake, take nice walks, and hang out with family. He grabbed a handful of carrots off Mama Neysa's salad at the Moosewood Restaurant, which was a new achievement for him. See Ithaca and other pictures at http://www.flickr.com/photos/nevinsklein/. When we got back to PA, Tani got to spend some time with Grandma Susan and Grandpa Morris, who came to Philadelphia on their way to NH to help his mommies clean up their Mt. Airy apartment before it is rennovated. Tani is realizing all the fun things he can do and gets frustrated when he can't do them as soon as he'd like. But mostly he's a happy explorer and enjoys people. When he swims with his mommies in the pool he doesn't seem to mind if he gets his face wet. He smiles at everyone at the pool. At synagogue last Saturday, he enjoyed the prayers if they were sung but got fussy at the responsive readings and sermons (i.e. the talking parts). He's also eating more foods. This past week he ate avocado and today he had peas for the first time. He really enjoyed them, as you see from this picture.