Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Watching videos

Tani has been sick this week so we've been watching more videos than usual.  It's fun to view a video with Tani, watching what he notices.  He often picks up on small details such as a tree off to the side.  He likes to watch his favorites over and over again.  Today I noticed for the first time how he anticipates a scene that's about to occur and then announces it right when it appears on screen.  His current all-time favorite is the "Wheels on the Bus" video which has six short videos and he likes them all.  Recently he's enjoyed watching a short "Old McDonald Had a Farm" video over and over (it has to go back to the library next week).  He loved an "Elmocize" video about Elmo leading an exercise class - we're going to buy that one.  He likes musical videos best. 


Am Haskalah generally has Shabbat services Friday evening, but once a month we have services Saturday morning.   Recently (parshat Shemot) we were having Saturday morning services in the Allentown JCC when at 10:30 a "Body Pump" class began in the auditorium next to where we hold services.  The music was disrupting the service so one of the members went over and asked them to turn the volume down.  As the service was ending ~11:30, a "Zumba Hip Hop" class began.  While I think most service goers did not appreciate the music, one person certainly did.  Tani.  During the oneg Tani immediately went through the kitchen into the Zumba class, even forgetting about his kiddush and challah.  He stood mesmerized by the first couple of songs watching the teacher and class exercising to the Zumba routines.  By the third song he was trying out some of the moves.  He stayed for the entire class.   He would yell "yay!" at the end of a song he particularly liked.  People commented on how well behaved he was, not disrupting the class or running around.  Well, he sort of disrupted the class as people definitely noticed him and seemed happy to watch his joyful participation.  Too bad there's no Zumba for toddlers class.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year

I have a lot of blogging to catch up on chronicling our vacation from Christmas Eve to New Years day.  Fortunately, I have notes in my journal so I can go back in fill in details for a few subsequent entries so I'll start with New Year's and work my way back.  Tani's godfathers Manel and Jordi drove up to Allentown Wednesday (12/31) afternoon.  Melissa, Manel, and Tani went swimming in the JCC pool while Jordi and I watched all the fun from the side.  I had planned to make dinner for after the swim, but our power had gone out at noon and still wasn't back on at 5 pm when we got back from the pool.  So we hung out a bit at home by candlelight and then decided to go out for dinner.  We were going to get Chinese but Jordi and Manel noticed the Panera in the plaza and we headed over there.  Tani enjoys Panera - a few Sunday mornings I had taken him there so I could get coffee.  The first time I had gotten a pastry which he didn't like so he ate some pretzels and graham crackers I had brought along.  The second Sunday morning we went to Panera I got a pumpkin muffin.  Well, he loved it.  I had given him about a third and planned to eat the other 2/3 myself as I can eat faster than him.  I had cut my portion into pieces and when Tani saw me gobbling them up, he grabbed a few more pieces for himself to add to his pile and then continued eating leisurely.  On our next visit to Panera he knew what he wanted and shouted cake! cake! at the person serving us.  Fortunately New Year's Eve was dinnertime and it had been about a month since we'd been there so he wasn't asking for pumpkin muffins and was content with grilled cheese.  Manel and Jordi had brought a sticker book with them for Tani which kept him busy for a little while while we ate dinner.   We had a very nice visit and then they headed back to Mechanicsburg and the power at our apartment was restored.  On New Year's day we went to the mall and I bought an iMac which I love.  We then headed to our friends Paul and Rebecca who were having a New Year's day party in honor of Paul's birthday.  Their son Noah who is a few months younger than Tani had some pretty cool toys.  The one that made the biggest impression on Tani was a police car where one can push buttons which makes the lights flash with a siren sound.  For the next several days Tani was saying "I pushed the buttons, lights came on, woo-woo-woo-woo". 

Ice Cream World

Tonight Melissa, Tani, and I went to Ice Cream World to mark the end of our winter vacation.  I love their soft serve vanilla ice cream in a cake cone with chocolate sprinkles.  Melissa advised that Tani shouldn't get that as the sprinkles would create quite a mess.  Besides, the last time I gave Tani a soft serve cone he carried it around but refused to eat it.  I feel bad that I don't know what flavors Tani might like since he's only had vanilla except for the time at Cold Stone when he demanded some of my cookies & cream when he woke up from his nap before I had finished my cone.  So Tani got a dish of hard vanilla ice cream.  Tani ate his ice cream very deliberately - sometimes only a tiny amount would stick to the spoon but he systematically finished his ice cream.  When I got to near the bottom of mine where just the triangle part of the cone was left, I handed it to Melissa to finish but she asked Tani if he wanted to try it.  He delicately nibbled on it and after realizing it tasted pretty good polished it off and wanted more.  So next time he might get soft serve vanilla ice cream in a cake cone.  We'll probably wait a bit longer before he gets sprinkles....