Monday, June 25, 2007


Tani had a fun weekend. We went to the Poconos for a day to celebrate a friend's birthday. Tani slept in the car there and back. We've been lucky that he enjoys car rides or at least gets a good nap along the way. There were other children there who enjoyed playing with Tani as well as adults - Melissa got to swim in the lake which she enjoys very much. Melissa and Tani also swam in the pool at the Lakes, our apartment complex in Allentown. Tani loves to splash around... as long as he doesn't get his face wet. He's wanting to eat more - last night he downed a large portion of rice cereal and then had a tummy ache until he burped. He's grabbing anything in reach - the blinds, the clock, hair, whatever. He loves to sit up but can't quite do it without assistance. If you prop him just right, he can sit in the love seat with pillows on either side as shown here. He eventually slides down or will droop forward. Don't worry - a Mom is always right there!

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