Tani has learned so much this past month. He turned 7 mos. Aug. 14. He's now sitting up on his own and really enjoys the new view. Although not yet crawling, he can roll to get to where he wants to go. He can control his grasp much better and reaches for everything. When he wants to be picked up, he raises his arms to indicate this to us. He has had several encounters with a piano or keyboard. He first bangs on the keys but then plays them individually listening to the different sounds. When someone plays the guitar he focuses on their playing and reaches out to try to play it himself or at least bang on the guitar. He clearly loves music - when we play different CDs from children's songs to Klezmer he's delighted. In the car when he's in a fussy mood we play a CD of Hebrew children's songs called Meah Shirim Rishonim (100 1st songs) - he loves the song about the baby elephant (track 19). His current favorite foods are oatmeal, avocado, and fresh peaches/nectarines. He enjoys eating but not wearing a bib. We're going to have to find one that can tie in the back instead of the velcro which he can often just pull off. The picture with this blog entry was taken by his Auntie Heather on Aug. 22. She installed the security gate at the top of the steps so we'll be ready when Tani starts to crawl and walk. This was no easy task and Tani's mommies are very grateful.
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