Last Saturday we got our first snow of the season. The snow didn't really stick to the streets but it did stick to the cars. So Melissa, Tani, and I went out behind our building and built a snowman on the wall by the parking garage from the snow on parked cars. Initially we had made snow balls and gave them to Tani. He threw a couple but mainly wanted to put them on the ground and stomp on them. Then I gathered enough snow to make the base of a small snowman and then put a head on. Unfortunately, there were no twigs or other foliage to use for arms, eyes or nose. Melissa picked a couple of leaves off a bush and used them for a nose and mouth and put her knit cap on the snowman's head. Then it got too cold for Melissa and I although Tani wanted to stay outside - so we went in. When Melissa and I went out for the evening, we noticed the hat was missing. The next morning as we were all heading out we saw the snowman's "head" on the ground. We shrugged it off. When we returned that afternoon though the head was back on the snowman (although still no hat). Melissa remarked on the interesting "conversation" going on amongst members of the building. Then she had an excellent idea. A dinner guest had given us the pieces to a "Mr. Potatohead" including eyes, arms, hat and shoes but no potato body (I guess that had been lost). I had wondered what we could do with these pieces, but our snowman became the perfect "potato". Here is our snowman last Monday, who had melted a bit since Saturday but I think made it until Tuesday.
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