Monday, October 27, 2008


Tani loves soap so I thought I'd write a little about this subject. Tonight during his bath Mommy Malka let him hold the bottle of Johnson's baby wash. He was so happy exclaiming "Tani's soap" and "Tani's bottle of soap!". He likes to open and close it and to try to pour some on his hand. He often ends up pouring out quite a bit so it can be frustrating to let him play with it. Washing hands has been a favorite activity for a few months now. He likes to climb on the step stool in the bathroom to reach the sink and hand pump soap dispenser. He can't reach the handle to turn on the water so I do it and he runs his hands one at a time under the water - but he mainly wants to hold the soap and push the pump on the soap container. I usually let him get two squirts of soap out before moving the soap out of reach. He usually exclaims "more soap" but he moves on. I love helping him wash his hands at daycare as he can reach the sink by himself. It's a bit hard though as they have removed the faucet handles because the toddlers would try to turn on the water throughout the day. There is an automatic soap dispenser so he can put his hand under and the foam lands in his palm.

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