Sunday, November 2, 2008

Fun at April Hill Way

Tani and Mommy Neysa spent the day at Georgia, Marc, Emma and Colette's today. We both had a lot of fun. When we arrived, Emma was practicing piano and Tani went over to investigate. Tani pressed the high keys and then walked around the piano bench to press the low keys. He did this several times and Emma was very patient with him, pausing her practicing to let him scramble on to the bench to play some more. After a little while we all went down to the basement. Emma and Colette have a play kitchen identical to his - he thought this was great! He rode a rocking horse and examined a Barbie suitcase - mostly interested in pulling the handle up and down. But his favorite item was a "High School Musical" mat that played music when one stepped in the left corner of the mat. Lights signaled where to step on the mat to match the choreography of the dance that went with the music. But Tani just liked the music and did his own dance. We had to bring the mat upstairs to get him to go up for lunch. After lunch we all went outside. Colette had a device that would shoot a plastic ring about 25 ft or so in front of her. Tani liked this and would go retrieve the ring for her (well most of the time). He then became interested in Emma and Colette's scooters. Emma helped him ride hers up and down the driveway but he wanted more. So Mommy Neysa helped him stay balanced up and down the driveway again. But he still wanted more so Georgia guided him up and down the driveway several times riding the scooter with him - Tani would shout out "more go go!" Mommy Neysa had to run to keep up with them and Tani would exclaim "Mommy running!". Boy did he have fun! Then Georgia and Colette went to yoga and Marc came home from canvasing for Obama. Marc helped Tani play Emma's violin - move the bow across the strings and pluck a tune. Tani was very interested and enjoyed this activity. Tani and Mommy Neysa also romped around in their back yard. Tani chased the cat, played on the swing set, and tried to go into the stream behind their house. By the time we left Tani could say their names: Emma, 'Lette, George, and Marc". Overall a fun day but next time Mommy Neysa needs to take Tani home earlier for a nap.

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