Monday, November 24, 2008

Talk this way

Tani's language is really improving. He now says 3-4 word sentences although often "Tani" is one of the words: "Tani ride in car", "Mommy drive car", "Tani cut pizza". He doesn't like it when we run the garbage disposal - he usually says "no noise" but today he said "no garbage can". He can also sit for a few minutes by himself while one of us goes out of view to get something - he understands we're coming back. Today Melissa told me that Tani sat and read a book for a while. There's a doggie book that he loves read and comment on. We went to the library today and the librarian showed us a school bus book which Tani likes a lot. He's also enjoying "Make Way for Duckling" although most of his commentary is about the cars. Also, within the last week or so when Tani is able to do a task that's a bit challenging he'll say "Tani did it!". His teachers at daycare have taught him to say "Walk away!" to the other children if one of them gets in his space instead of pushing them away. But he's said it to us a couple of times the other day when we asked him to do something he didn't want to do. He really says it with attitude too. He hasn't said it in the past couple of days - sometimes he goes through a period of a day or two when he has a favorite phrase.

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