Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Am Haskalah generally has Shabbat services Friday evening, but once a month we have services Saturday morning.   Recently (parshat Shemot) we were having Saturday morning services in the Allentown JCC when at 10:30 a "Body Pump" class began in the auditorium next to where we hold services.  The music was disrupting the service so one of the members went over and asked them to turn the volume down.  As the service was ending ~11:30, a "Zumba Hip Hop" class began.  While I think most service goers did not appreciate the music, one person certainly did.  Tani.  During the oneg Tani immediately went through the kitchen into the Zumba class, even forgetting about his kiddush and challah.  He stood mesmerized by the first couple of songs watching the teacher and class exercising to the Zumba routines.  By the third song he was trying out some of the moves.  He stayed for the entire class.   He would yell "yay!" at the end of a song he particularly liked.  People commented on how well behaved he was, not disrupting the class or running around.  Well, he sort of disrupted the class as people definitely noticed him and seemed happy to watch his joyful participation.  Too bad there's no Zumba for toddlers class.

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